Sunday, June 13, 2010

My hands are starting to smell like apples. All the time.

So in my last post I spoke a bit about my compulsions. The last one is just one I'm beginning to see, and that's hand washing. As for the title of this blog, well, I'll tell you in a minute.
In other news, I've fallen in love with the OCD project on VH1, it's very realistic and pretty hilarious at some parts, but at some points it makes me wonder if I'll spiral down that far. My very favorite part so far is when Arine (Arr-rin-ay) was overcoming her fear of hitting pedestrians with her car and Dr. Tolin was throwing baby dolls at her while she was driving. If I can find the video on Youtube or something, I'll put it up. :)
Anyway, as for the title of my blog, I'm seeing the signs of compulsive hand washing, which is not good. And seeing as though we have apple scented soap, well, I think you get the picture. It's worrying me a bit, and I'm trying to stop myself, but it's a bit of a struggle to NOT do it at some points. I mean, basic hygiene is just a given, but I've been doing it a lot. I washed my hands like... at least five times today before 1:00. At one point, I was making something to eat and I washed my hands twice before I was even finished. It's getting sad, guys. If you know me and I'm about to go wash my hands for no particular reason, slap me. Lol. :)
Obsessively yours,

Here's that video, it doesn't really get funny for a couple minutes, but the baby part made me laugh for like ten minutes. :)

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