Friday, July 2, 2010

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I simply haven't had anything crazy OCD happen to me lately. Because of this, I'll tell you a story about my new favorite show! Lol :)
So on The OCD project (of course) Dr. Tolin did an exposure on Kristen that had to do with one of her biggest fears. (Kristen is a washer, just so you know.) They usually sit around a big glass rectangular table that looks like this: (But bigger.)

There were four other patients and Dr. Tolin that were going to participate in the exposure. Kristen is very afraid of people touching her, especially males, so I guess you can see what they were going to do. They did a routine that kind of resembled duck duck goose, but there were five people touching one person's head instead of the other way around. It was pretty sad and hilarious at the same time because she was freaking out about everybody touching her face, but she literally started crying because Dr. Tolin kept his hands on her face for like five minutes. I felt really bad, but it was kind of funny at the same time. Sorry, Kristen. Lol
Anyway, another story is with Kevin. Poor Kevin had to leave because he also had Asperger's and they wouldn't be able to help him. Sadddd :(((
Oh well. I hope I'm getting better.
Obsessively yours,

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